My ISME Program for Thursday and Friday

So I finally have finalized my own program for what I’m going to see at ISME today and tomorrow. As the last time, the things I think I will actually attend have bold times. Generally, thursday is easy – I will be at the Bioinformatics session, where I will also present myself (at 13.30 in Hall A1). Friday is a little bit trickier, but considerably less complicated to choose from than tuesday was. See you around, and don’t forget to visit my poster (board 002A)!


Morning session

08:30 – 09:20 From omics to the environment and back: unraveling how chemosynthetic symbionts gain energy and carbon
Nicole Dubilier, Symbiosis Group, Max Planck Institute of Marine Microbiology, Bremen, Germany (Hall A1)

1000 – 1030 Bayesian hierarchical models for defining enterotypes and ecotypes
Christopher Quince, University of Glasgow, UK (Hall A1)

1000 – 1030 Composition, structure and function of hot spring cyanobacterial mat communities: use of high-throughput technologies and theory to demarcate guilds, species and the functions they catalyze
Dave Ward, Montana State University, Bozeman, USA (Hall A2)

1000 – 1030   Stability and Resilience in the Human Microbiome
David Relman, Stanford University, USA (Auditorium 11)

1030 – 1100 From the HMP to the EMP: deriving insight from large-scale sequencing projects
Rob Knight, University of Colorado, USA (Hall A1)

1100 – 1130 Phylogenetic conservatism of functional traits in microorganisms
Adam Martiny, University of California, Irvine, USA (Hall A1)

1130 – 1200   Title to be confirmed
Jeroen Raes, VIB, Belgium (Hall A1)

1130 – 1200 Feast then famine: Fe bioavailability and utilization through geological time
Christopher Dupont, J. Craig Venter Institute, USA (Auditorium 15)

Lunch session

12:30 – 13:15 Tackling the pitfalls and unveiling the promise of soil metagenomics
Janet Jansson, Earth Sciences Division, Lawrence Berkeley, National Laboratory, Berkeley, CA, USA (Hall A1)

Afternoon session

1330 – 1345 Comprehensive Analysis of Antibiotic Resistance Genes in River Sediment, Well Water and Soil Microbial Communities Using Metagenomic DNA Sequencing
Johan Bengtsson [Sweden] (Hall A1)

1330 – 1345    Genome-wide diversification patterns of fresh and saltwater bacteria of the SAR11 clade inferred from single cell and metagenomics data
Siv Andersson [Sweden] (Auditorium 15)

1330 – 1345  Spatial and functional organization of deep-water microbial communities in the ocean: role of particle attachment
Gerhard J. Herndl [Austria] (Session Room B4)

1345 – 1400 Investigating diversified gene functions in microbial communities of the human gut
Lina Faller [USA] (Hall A1)

1400 – 1415 Large-scale characterization of the diversity and community composition of human intestinal microbiota
Leo Lahti [Netherlands] (Hall A1)

1400 – 1415    Significant and persistent impact of timber harvesting on soil microbial communities in northern coniferous forests
Martin Hartmann [Switzerland] (Hall A3)

1400 – 1415  From communities to single cells: finding functional coherence in the lake microbiome
Stefan Bertilsson [Sweden] (Session Room B4)

1415 – 1430 Deciphering the microbial community and the lignocellulolytic digestome of lower termite Coptotermes gestroi
João Paulo Franco Cairo [Brazil] (Hall A1)

1415 – 1430  Polyextremotolerant human opportunistic black yeasts inhabit dishwashers around the world
Nina Gunde-Cimerman [Slovenia] (Hall A2)

1415 – 1430  Dating the cyanobacterial origin of the chloroplast
Luisa Falcon [Mexico] (Auditorium 15)

1430 – 1445 Linking genotypes to phenotypes: characterizing viral proteins of unknown function
Jeremy Frank [USA] (Hall A1)

1430 – 1445    Living together apart: soil metagenomics and microbially relevant scales
George A. Kowalchuk [Netherlands] (Session Room B4)

1445 – 1500 The metagenomics of the dead: taxonomic and functional annotation methods for analysis of ancient datasets
Katarzyna Zaremba-Niedzwiedzka [Sweden] (Hall A1)

1445 – 1500    Ecological drivers of bacterial social evolution
Ines Mandic Mulec [Slovenia] (Auditorium 15)

1500 – 1515 Dirty little secrets for soil metagenomic assembly
Adina Howe [USA] (Hall A1)

1500 – 1515  Antibiotic resistance associated with waste water treatment plant effluent
Gregory Amos [United Kingdom] (Session Room B3)

1515 – 1530 Application of Unifrac and related bioinformatic tools to assess intra-species diversity within oral microbiomes in an anthropological context
Hans-Peter Horz [Germany] (Hall A1)

1515 – 1530    Comparative genomics of the ubiquitous, hydrocarbon degrading genus Marinobacter
Esther Singer [USA] (Auditorium 15)


Morning session

1000 – 1030   The fate of pesticides in soil and aquifers from a small-scale point of view: Does microbial and spatial heterogeneity have an impact?
Jens Aamand, The Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland (GEUS), Denmark (Hall A2)

1000 – 1030 Commonness and rarity: Core and satellite species groups in microbial metacommunities
Christopher van der Gast, NERC Centre for Ecology & Hydrology, Wallingford, UK (Auditorium 11)

1100 – 1130 Spatial heterogeneity at the microbial scale: effects on microbial community structure and functioning
Naoise Nunan, BioEMCo, Centre INRA Versailles-Grignon, France (Hall A2)

1100 – 1130 Signalling controlled structure function of activated sludge microbial communities
Staffan Kjelleberg, University of New South Wales, Australia (Auditorum 15)

1130 – 1200   The impact of soil spatial heterogeneity on concepts of microbial interactions and diversity
James I. Prosser, University of Aberdeen, UK (Hall A2)

1130 – 1200 Micro-scale spatial expansion of microbial cells and mobile genetic elements
Barth Smets, Technical University of Denmark, Denmark (Auditorium 11)

Afternoon session

1400 – 1415    Extracellular vesicles from the marine cyanobacterium Prochlorococcus may mediate diverse community interactions
Steven Biller [USA] (Hall A1)

1415 – 1430 Simultaneous amplicon sequencing to explore co-occurrence patterns of bacterial, archaeal and eukaryotic components of rumen microbial communities
Sandra Kittelmann [New Zealand] (Session Room B4)

1430 – 1445 The enterotypes of great ape gut microbiomes
Andrew Moeller [USA] (Session Room B4)

1445 – 1500    Theoretical models for bacterial communities in drinking water as they travel and evolve through drinking water distribution systems
Joanna Schroeder [United Kingdom] (Auditorium 11)

1500 – 1515 Wastewater treatment plants from across the globe have a reproducible core microbial community
Aaron Marc Saunders Denmark] (Session Room B4)

1530 – 1545    Every cloud has a silver lining: invasion by Limnohabitans planktonicus promotes the maintenance of diversity in bacterial communities
Gianluca Corno [Italy] (Hall A1)

1530 – 1545 Metabolic flexibility as a major predictor of spatial distribution in microbial communities
Kevin Purdy [United Kingdom] (Auditorium 15)

1545 – 1600 Microbial dynamics in a thawing world: linking microbial communities to increased methane flux in degrading permafrost
Gene Tyson [Australia] (Auditorium 15)