GoBiG Meeting August 30
There’s still plenty of summertime left, but it’s nevertheless time to start preparing for the next GoBiG meeting, which will take place on Thursday the 30th of August at 15.00. Note that there has been a slight change of date for this meeting! Our master of article this time is Kaisa Thorell, and she has chosen an article on evolution and mutation control, which at a first glance looks very exciting to me. The paper and its supplementary material can be found at the link below:
The meeting will take place in the Mathematics Building on Chalmers. We will meet in the Math lunchroom at 15.00 and start with some tea or coffee and then go straight to the article discussion, which will take place in MVL15 (at the bottom floor in the Math building).
Afterwards we will continue to the restaurant Tre små rum (which has a small but nice-looking menu and serves great beer; http://3smarum.se), where we have reserved a table at 18.00. This time there’s no need to pick food in advance, so please just fill in if you will come for the meeting and/or dinner on this Doodle page before Monday the 27th: