Current major grants
- Data-Driven Cell and Molecular Biology: Predicting and Preventing the Disease Threats of the Future
17 000 000 SEK, 2022-2027, SciLifeLab and Wallenberg National Program for Data-Driven Life Science (DDLS) KAW 2020.0239 [main applicant] - Predicting future pathogenicity and antibiotic resistance
15 000 000 SEK, 2022-2027, Foundation for Strategic Research Future Research Leader Grant FFL21-0174 [main applicant] - SEARCHER – Surveillance for Emerging Antimicrobial Resistance through Characterization of the uncharted Environmental Resistome
1 912 159 EUR, 2024-2027 (4 600 000 SEK to the Bengtsson-Palme lab), JPIAMR/Swedish Research Council 2023-01721 [main applicant, coordinator] - RECEIVER: Risks associated with Evolution in bacterial Communities Exposed to antibiotics: Interactions patterns, Virulence enrichment, Ecological consequences and Resistance development
5 550 000 SEK, 2025-2027, Swedish Research Council 2024-06123 [main applicant]
- LEADING: Low-level Exposure to Antibiotics Disturbs Interactions among Non-pathogenic bacteria in the Gastrointestinal tract
3 304 000 SEK, 2021-2024, Swedish Research Council 2020-03629 [main applicant] - Diarrheal Diseases
6 154 784 SEK, 2021-2025 (2 875 000 SEK to the Bengtsson-Palme lab), SIDA Research Training Partnership Program [applicant together with Volga Iñiguez] - The role of social interactions among young children in acquisition of antibiotic resistant bacteria
1 000 000 SEK, 2022-2024, ALF-grant to young researchers, Västra Götalandsregionen [main applicant] - BIOCIDE: Antibacterial biocides in the water cycle – an integrated approach to assess and manage risks for antibiotic resistance development
~1 700 000 EUR, 2021-2024, (no direct funding to the Bengtsson-Palme lab), JPIAMR/Swedish Research Council [collaborating partner with the Joakim Larsson lab] - Predicting the future spread of antibiotic resistance genes
Academic PhD project, 2024-2029, Wallenberg Academic PhD Projects in Data-driven Life Science [co-applicant, main PI: Erik Kristiansson] - Facile, rapid, economical, and selective detection of antibiotic resistance genes from environment
3 000 000 SEK, 2024-2026, (no direct funding to the Bengtsson-Palme lab), FORMAS
2023-01315 [co-applicant, main PI: Ivan Mijakovic]
Current smaller grants
- The Global Environmental Antibiotic Resistance Atlas
Bioinformatics support, 2023-2024, Wallenberg Foundation NBIS/SciLifeLab Bioinformatics Long-term Support Grant [main applicant] - Nordic Consortium to Monitor and Research AMR
800,000 NOK, 2025-2026, NordForsk Nordic research consortia for EU grant [co-appliant] - Development of tools to limit the global challenge of infectious diseases and antibiotic resistance
100,000 SEK, 2022 – Einhorn-SIGHT Award - Är Göteborgs parker en spridningsväg för antibiotikaresistenta bakterier?
70 750 SEK, 2022-2024, Adlerbertska Forskningsstiftelsen – Project grant [main applicant together with Anna Abramova]
Previous grants
- Riksmaten småbarn
299,950 SEK, 2021-2023, Livsmedelsverket – Sequencing support [co-applicant] - EMBARK – Establishing a Monitoring Baseline for Antibiotic Resistance in Key environments
1 388 146 EUR, 2020-2023 (3 181 800 SEK to the Bengtsson-Palme lab), JPIAMR/Swedish Research Council 2019-00299 [main applicant, coordinator] - High-throughput DNA sequencing combined with tridimensional eukaryotic cell culture applied to the study of bacterial pathogenesis: the case of Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus
75 000 SEK, 2020-2023, Swedish Research Council/SPRINT – Research network grant 2020-00120 [main applicant together with Elaine Cristina Pereira De Martinis] - Assembly of complicated antibiotic resistance regions from metagenomic data
96,000 CPU hours, 2020-2021, Swedish National Infrastructure for
Computing (SNIC) [main applicant] - Sahlgrenska Academy International Starting Grant
1 000 000 SEK, 2020-2022, Sahlgrenska Academy [main applicant] - OPERATIVE: Opportunistic Pathogens Enabling Resistance Acquisition and Transmission through Invasion and Virulence traits acquired in the Environment
596 276 SEK, 2020-2022, Centre for Antibiotic Resistance research – Project grant [main applicant] - Effects of antibiotics on microbial communities
100 000 SEK, 2020, Gothenburg Society of Medicine and the Sahlgrenska Academy Prize to Young Researchers - Kan låga halter av antibiotika göra bakterier mer aggressiva?
30 000 SEK, 2020, Längmanska Kulturfonden – Project grant [main applicant] - Sahlgrenska Academy – Faculty grant for early career researchers
2 500 000 SEK and fully funded salary (~4 000 000 SEK), 2019-2023, Sahlgrenska Academy [main applicant] - Antibiotikaresistens – en av vår tids stora hälsoutmaningar
125 000 SEK, 2019, Cancer- och Allergifondens – The Lennart Sparell Prize - Effekter av beta-laktam-antibiotika på bakteriesamhällen i miljön
38 918 SEK, 2019, Adlerbertska Forskningsstiftelsen – Project grant [main applicant] - Predicting antibiotic resistance – the challenges with mixtures and complex communities
579 917 SEK, 2018-2020, Centre for Antibiotic Resistance research – Project grant [co-applicant] - InSiDER – Invasion Success Determinants in bacteria and the Environmental Resistome
3 035 820 SEK, 2017-2019, FORMAS – Mobility grant 2016-00768 [main applicant] - The Genetic Diversity Underpinning Invasion Success in Bacterial Communities
850 000 SEK, 2018-2019, SciLifeLab – Swedish Biodiversity Program 2017 [main applicant] - Hur påverkar antibiotika interaktionerna i bakteriesamhällen?
100 000 SEK, 2018, O. E. och Edla Johanssons vetenskapliga stiftelse – Project grant [main applicant] - Vilka koncentrationer av antibiotika ger resistenta bakterier en tillväxtfördel i jord?
37 948 SEK, 2017, Adlerbertska Forskningsstiftelsen – Project grant [main applicant] - Gener som styr bakteriell invasion och deras koppling till antibiotikaresistens i miljön
45 000 SEK, 2016, Adlerbertska Forskningsstiftelsen – Project grant [main applicant] - Swedish Bioinformatics Workshop 2014
27 000 SEK, 2014, FORMAS – Conference grant [co-applicant]
Travel grants
- 2018 – Centre for Antibiotic Resistance Research (CARe) at University of Gothenburg – Exchange support
- 2017 – The Sahlgrenska Academy Travel Grant: EDAR-4 Conference, Lansing, Michigan, USA
- 2016 – The Sahlgrenska Academy Travel Grant: 8th Annual Next Generation Sequencing Congress 2016, London, Great Britain
- 2015 – Stiftelsen Wilhelm och Martina Lundgrens Vetenskapsfond: EDAR-3 Conference, Wernigerode, Germany
- 2014 – Adlerbertska Forskningsstiftelsen: Hur påverkar resande förekomsten av resistensgener i den humana tarmfloran?, ISME Conference, Seoul, South Korea
- 2012 – The Sahlgrenska Academy Travel Grant: ISME Conference, Copenhagen, Denmark
- 2012 – Stiftelsen Wilhelm och Martina Lundgrens Vetenskapsfond: ISME Conference, Copenhagen, Denmark
- 2022 – Einhorn SIGHT Award awarded by the Swedish Royal Academy of Sciences: Outstanding research and development of tools to limit the global challenge of infectious diseases and antibiotic resistance
- 2020 – Gothenburg Society of Medicine and the Sahlgrenska Academy Prize to Young Researchers: Effects of antibiotics on microbial communities
- 2019 – The Lennart Sparell prize awarded by Cancer- och Allergifonden: Antibiotic resistance – one of the great health challenges of our time
- 2016 – NDPIA Best Poster Award: Determining the minimal selective concentrations of antibiotics in complex microbial communities